Bank of Maharashtra recently released new job notices for the Officer’s posts. There are a total of 172 seats announced for the posts of Officers. The last date to apply is 17-02-2025. Applicants go to the official website to apply online. The candidates have any degree, any master’s degree from a recognized university or college for the officer posts.
Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment 2025 Notification Overview:
- Name of Organization: Bank of Maharashtra
- Apply Online Starting Date: Started
- Posts Name: Officers in Scale II, III, IV, V, VI & VII
- Apply Online Closing Date: 17-02-2025
- Website Details: bankofmaharashtra. in
- Number of Positions: 172
Bank of Maharashtra Notification 2025 Complete Details
Vacancy Details:
Bank of Maharashtra/ Officers in Scale II, III, IV, V, VI & VII: 172 seats
Educational Qualifications:
Those nominees who want to apply to have any degree, any master’s degree from a recognized university or college for the officer’s posts.
Selection Procedure:
The Bank of Maharashtra hires candidates for the Officer’s posts if they perform well in the online exam, interview, and verification of documents. The nominee’s name will shortlisted according to their marks and qualifications.
Application Fee:
- For the GEN, EWS, and OBC candidates: Rs. 1180/-
- For the ST, SC candidates: Rs. 118
- For the PwBD candidates: No fee
- For the Women candidates: No fee
Age Criteria:
- For the Scale II posts: 22 to 35 years
- For the Scale III posts: 25 to 38 years
- For the Scale IV posts: Max. age is 40 years
- For the Scale V posts: Max. age is 45 years
- For the Scale VI posts: Max. age is 50 years
- For the Scale VII posts: Max. The age is 55 years.
Pay Scale:
Nominees will get a good salary package from the Bank of Maharashtra for the posts of Officers in Scale II, III, IV, V, VI & VII.
How to Apply For Bank of Maharashtra Notification
- Go to the Bank of Maharashtra official webpage.
- Tap the careers sections to apply online.
- Nominees see the official notice and download the notice.
- First, do registration by using an email ID and mobile number.
- Enter all the details in the application form.
- Attach required documents like signatures, certificates, and photographs.
- Remit the application cost.
- Check the filled details and submit the form.
- At last, download the submitted form for future use.
Q: What is the application fee for the GEN, EWS, and OBC category candidates?
A: Rs. 1180 is the application fee for the GEN, EWS, and OBC category candidates.
Q: What is the closing date to apply online for the Bank of Maharashtra vacancy 2025?
A: 17-02-2025 is the closing date to apply online for the Bank of Maharashtra vacancy 2025.